Monday, February 26, 2007

A Mermaid's Tale

Once, there was a young blond girl who lived on the cliffs of Dana Point. Almost every day during her summers there, she would climb down the steep chaparral bluffs to the beach and dive into the ocean. She’d swim out past the waders, the surfers, and the waves. She would float for hours, letting the sea support her and whisper stories to her. Her blue eyes would turn green from the sunshine and briny water. Her hair would turn the color of pale sand.

One day, this little mermaid grew up and knew there was more in the world she needed to see. She ran off to the big city, then, years later, to the Smokey Mountains. But she always longed for the salty waters of her past. Her hair grew dark, and her eyes turned more grey than green, but inside she still felt the embrace of the sea.

One day, while sorting through her grown-up treasures, she came across her collection of mermaid charms, sculpted of silver and crystal, glass and pewter, a purple satin cord linking them to each other. While polishing these charms, she remembered who she was. Even though she was sitting in a February-chilled apartment, miles from any ocean, she could feel the sun in her hair and thought she heard a familiar whispered greeting.

She knows she still has much land to explore. Big cities and exotic countries still beckon to her. But she knows, when her travels are done, there will be a place for her beside warm waters. In her old age, she will once again have sand-pale hair and ocean-green eyes.


Anonymous said...

Very well done. I am captivated.... can hardly wait to read about her coming adventures....

Anonymous said...

what an alluring tale... I can hardly wait to read about her coming adventures....

Venus de Pavo said...

beautifully written, I very much relate. beautiful.